Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Weekly Update: Slowing down

Hello! Sorry for the lack of posts lately - I felt like I was on a roll a few months ago! I need to update you on a big change that has happened, which will explain my lack of blogging. I officially started full time one week ago at my job and I am so excited to have more time in the office during the week, especially being able to see other staff members. I am truly blessed with a wonderful work place, and a job that I love and am passionate about. I would love to be able to blog more, but I have been stressing out about getting a post out each day. So I have made a decision to only post once a week. I am hoping this will lead to less stress for me, and better photos and posts for you! (win, win) :)

Thank you for all your support, and I hope you check back soon. Have a wonderful day!

Oh man, gotta also find as much time as possible to spend with this little guy. I love him so much!

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